Thursday, October 15, 2015

My WHY!!!

I have been a Beachbody Coach for 2 years now and I think that for the past year and a half I have been struggling because I really didn't know Why I signed up. I mean I knew why but didn't really know Why. I have been doing a lot of personal development this year and learning a lot of things about myself that I really never realized. 
I always heard from My Coach that you need to work on your Why but I never could put my finger on it. I think now I finally realized just what it is about Beachbody and My Coach that drew me to sign up. 
Why I joined is because watching My Coach seeing how confident she was in herself and how much self esteem she had made me want that. I suffer from very low self esteem, I always feel that I'm not pretty enough, not good enough, or I can't do anything right. I want to be able to get up in the morning and look at myself and be able to tell myself "You are Beautiful, You are worth it and You can do anything."  I want to be able to walk down the street and feel like I am someone instead of no one. I want to be able to talk to people and not worry that I am saying the wrong things. 
Being with Beachbody is teaching me to change myself for the better and I plan to continue to grow strong mentally as well as physically.