Friday, October 24, 2014

A little more about Me!!

Let me tell you that I began my Beachbody journey long before there was ever a Beachbody Coach. I purchased Slim in 6 back in 2004 and I worked at that program but never completed it, I had no excuse not to complete it at the time because I was not working. I found out in September of that year that I was pregnant with my son and that was the end of that. In December of 2006 I started working at FBC I lost 20 pounds in my first 3 months of work then I got stuck. In 2008 I started going to the gym and working out and I lost about another 15 pounds or so but I still wasn't where I wanted to be. In April of 2010 I had to have surgery to remove a cyst off my ovary and I lost a few more pounds while I was at home for 4 weeks because I didn't feel like eating much. As soon as I got the ok to exercise again I got back at it and I got down to 126 and I was very happy there. The next 4 years I gained back everything I lost plus some and that was when Mindy Hord started her fitness journey in 2012 and her son was at FBCS so I was there everyday when she walked in with him and I started noticing that her body was changing so I watched her for about a year and in 2013 I ordered T25 I thought I was going to do this program but once again I Failed and didn't complete it. So July of 2013 I signed as a coach to get the discount for some Shakeology. I drank my Shakeology and worked out every now and then when I felt I had the energy. Around December I started getting interested in the coaching side of things and was open to perusing this opportunity. So when the 21 Day Fix went on Sale in February of 2014 I bought mine and then I had actually got a couple of people to order challenge packs from me and that was the only time I hit success club 5. I completed the 21 Day Fix with minimal results but for the first time I actually completed a program. I didn't turn my results in or get my T-Shirt but for the first time I didn't feel like a failure because I completed this program. So now I have the drive and want to complete many more things because I have learned from my past failure that I am the only one who can define myself as a failure and I will no longer think of myself that way.

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