Saturday, November 29, 2014

3 Day Refresh

I don't know about you, but I know that doing a cleanse of your body can be scary. I know the first thing that I thought when I ordered the 3 Day Refresh was "am I going to be stuck in the bathroom for 3 days?" Well that is not how this program works.  
When my Refresh arrived on my door step I immediately opened it up, went through the box and read through the instruction information. I thought how in the world am I going to be able to stick to this for 3 days. So needless to say that this program sat on my counter for about a month before I got up the nerve to give it a go. 
So on November 12, 2014 I decided that it was time and I was going to this my all and see what happens. I enlisted my Husband to join me and he wasn't sure he could do it because on this program you can't eat meat or have dairy products. 
Day 1 was not bad at all I made it through the day no problem, I never felt hungry once even on the small amounts of food that you eat. I had no problems drinking the Fiber Sweep it was actually quite pleasant. 

For the most part I ate almost the same thing every day because it was easy for me that way. 
Day 2 was a little more challenging because I was use to drinking coffee every day and I hadn't had any. So by the evening I had to break down and have some black coffee with stevia to try and rid myself of the awful caffeine headache that I had. 
Day 3 I knew I was in the home stretch and if I could just make it through the day I knew everything was going to be alright. 
In the end I wound up losing a total of 7 pounds and was super excited. 
So I know that if My Husband and I can do this program then I know any of you out there can be successful at it too!!

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