Friday, October 31, 2014


I want to let each and every one of you know that just because I am a Coach that I still have struggles that I face each and every day with my health and fitness. I recently discovered that I struggle with Binge eating, there are a lot of different things that will set a binge off. If I'm stressed and feel upset I reach for food to comfort me and make me feel good for the moment. After I go through a binge episode I wonder why did I sit there and stuff myself or why did I just eat a whole bag of cookies. The guilty feelings set in and I tend to beat myself up over it. I want to break free from this thing that holds me back, I want to be able to look at a plate of cookies and know that I can eat just one without want to devour the entire plate. I am sure that there are many of you out there who can relate to this. That is why I became a Beachbody Coach so that I can help other the way that Beachbody has been helping me. I have been able to set goals for myself and know that I can achieve them but, also that I can still be Human at the same time. Beachbody is more than just a meal replacement shake or workout DVDs. I have found that I have a lot of people who care about me and my struggles and they don't just sell you stuff and kick you to the curb. I have a bigger support system than I have ever had in my entire life, people who truly care about ME!! 
If you need a support system and someone to help you face your fears and struggles then I strongly suggest that you reach out to someone you know who is a Beachbody Coach. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Healthy Breakfast Casserole

6 Slices Whole Wheat Bread 
Butter Spray
1 Lb. Turkey Breakfast Sausage 
1 1/2 c. (6 oz) 2% Shredded Cheese 
1 c. Egg Beaters (6 Eggs)
2 c. Fat Free Half & Half
1 tsp. Salt

Spray the bottom of a 13 x 9 x 2 inch baking dish thoroughly. Remove crust from bread and place in the bottom of the baking dish. Cook Turkey sausage until browned and done, stirring to crumble; drain well on paper towel. Spoon Turkey Sausage over bread and sprinkle with cheese. Combine Egg Beaters, salt and Fat Free Half & Half, Mix Well and Poor over cheese. Cover Casserole and chill over night. 
Remove from refrigerator 15 mins before baking. 
Bake the casserole uncovered at 350 for 45 mins or until set. 

Yields 8 servings

Saturday, October 25, 2014

My life

Life is not always easy we all have our struggles..... I have battled all my life with self esteem issues when I was younger I always felt that all the othe little girls were prettier than me. When I got to jr high school I started struggling with the same things most girls do trying to stay thin and wanting to fit in. In high school I still battled with these issues I wore a size 0 up until my jr year when I got my first real boyfriend who I was with for 4 years. This is where I really started gaining weight because he always told me I was to thin and that I needed to eat. I cannot sit here and blame all my weight issues on him because I was in control of myself and should have listened to my heart. I felt that I was at a perfect weight and never felt that I was to thin. I graduated high school weighing 124 pounds. The weight escalated from there the last year that he and I were together I got up to 145 and I felt totally fat!! I started working out and taking diet pills such as metabolife which at that had feeder in it and I got back down to 130 which I thought was an ok weight. Then I started partying and going out all the time drinking and I didn't eat much so I was skinny fat. I stayed about 130 pounds for a while until I got pregnant with my son, while pregnant with him I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes so I had to watch what I ate and test my blood sugar levels 4 times a day. When I had my son my weight was 181 pounds, after he was born I stay around 175 which was the highest I had ever weighed at the time. I stayed at that weight until I started working at Brenham's First Baptist Church in 2006 and I lost 30 pounds in my first 3 months there. I didn't stop there I started feeling good after losing those first 30 pounds that I started changing the way I ate and also exercising. I got down to a weight I was happy with which was 126 pounds. Life hit again in about 2011 I gained a little weight back only 10 pounds being stressed about getting married and then in 2013 my best friend started having seizures for no reason and she never had a seizure before in her life. So with all of that going on is where my binge eating comes in to play. Instead of dealing with things like other people may such as drinking to much, starving themselves, or other things. I went on a binge eating frenzy and gained the most I have ever weight in my life which was 187 pounds.
So 2013 was going to be my year to get into shape and lose some weight, but that never happened. I started watching Mindy Hord and saw some wonderful things happening in her life. I watched her get fit and I wanted in on that. I ordered some Shakeology and T25 in May I tried completeing the program but only got so far and didn't lose much weight. Then in June I ordered Les Mills Combat and loved the program but I just was not in the right frame of mind to complete anything just yet. I was drinking Shakeology and I needed a discount so I signed up as a coach in July of 2013 not knowing where it was going to lead me. While I am still in the process of losing weight and being healthy I have a long way to go and I am learning things about myself that I never knew was in me. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

A little more about Me!!

Let me tell you that I began my Beachbody journey long before there was ever a Beachbody Coach. I purchased Slim in 6 back in 2004 and I worked at that program but never completed it, I had no excuse not to complete it at the time because I was not working. I found out in September of that year that I was pregnant with my son and that was the end of that. In December of 2006 I started working at FBC I lost 20 pounds in my first 3 months of work then I got stuck. In 2008 I started going to the gym and working out and I lost about another 15 pounds or so but I still wasn't where I wanted to be. In April of 2010 I had to have surgery to remove a cyst off my ovary and I lost a few more pounds while I was at home for 4 weeks because I didn't feel like eating much. As soon as I got the ok to exercise again I got back at it and I got down to 126 and I was very happy there. The next 4 years I gained back everything I lost plus some and that was when Mindy Hord started her fitness journey in 2012 and her son was at FBCS so I was there everyday when she walked in with him and I started noticing that her body was changing so I watched her for about a year and in 2013 I ordered T25 I thought I was going to do this program but once again I Failed and didn't complete it. So July of 2013 I signed as a coach to get the discount for some Shakeology. I drank my Shakeology and worked out every now and then when I felt I had the energy. Around December I started getting interested in the coaching side of things and was open to perusing this opportunity. So when the 21 Day Fix went on Sale in February of 2014 I bought mine and then I had actually got a couple of people to order challenge packs from me and that was the only time I hit success club 5. I completed the 21 Day Fix with minimal results but for the first time I actually completed a program. I didn't turn my results in or get my T-Shirt but for the first time I didn't feel like a failure because I completed this program. So now I have the drive and want to complete many more things because I have learned from my past failure that I am the only one who can define myself as a failure and I will no longer think of myself that way.